Tuesday 16 October 2012

Mayor of London Dismisses Biblical Marriage as A Relic of the 'Stone Age'

At a time when it has been revealed that over 70 per cent of Tory constituency chairmen want the current plans to redefine marriage dropped, (and nearly half say they have lost members because of the policy), some of the Tory 'big guns' have tried to prop up this most unpopular policy.

David Cameron may have steered clear of the thorny issue at the recent Tory Conference, but Chancellor George Osborne, Foreign Secretary William Hague, Education Secretary Michael Gove, and Equalities Minister Maria Miller all voiced their support for changing marriage.

And - right on cue - the Tory mayor of London, Boris Johnson, has likened traditional marriage as being a relic of the Stone Age.

In an article for 'The Independent,' a newspaper which is actively campaigning for marriage to be redefined, Boris said marriage, "has been here since before the Stone Age, and now it needs to move beyond the Stone Age."

This outlandish outburst has attracted a robust response.

I include the contents of two sample copies of letters that protest the comments made by Boris Johnson below; one from David Skinner, the other from Harry *****:-

"Dear Mr Boris Johnson,

I consider that the remarks you made recently that marriage is as outdated as the Stone Age as a personal insult to my wife and myself.  Similarly the Stonewall advert, “SOME PEOPLE ARE GAY. GET OVER IT!” that you champion I find deeply offensive.

It is you, Mr Johnson, who is fossilised in homosexual Stonewellian ideology, and who will condemn our nation to extinction; whereas, it is we, the productive section of society, those who raise families, constructed of husband and wife, father and mother, uncles and aunts, grandmothers and grandfathers – indeed, a whole tree of identifiable and diverse relationships – on whom our nation depends for its very future existence.

There are 24,036,000 husbands and wives in Britain, over nine million of whom are presently raising their own children for the next generation.  In addition, many of us, honouring our wedding vows, are faithfully married to our original spouses - unlike you, who seem to glory in adultery, a penchant for abortion and all things pink.  I do not wish to go into the sordid details; the evidence is there for anyone to see.

We married couples, living in life-long and monogamous relationships, represent 39% of this nation, unlike the 10,000 gays in uncivil partnerships with dependent children - from God knows where - and who represent a mere 0.017% of entire British population.   

If queer marriage goes ahead, this tiny minority, the vast majority of whom are not in the slightest interested in real marriage, except to deny its essential nature and purity to those who legitimately embrace it, will not suddenly settle down and become like us; on the contrary, society will be coerced to become as queer and corrupted as they are.

Marriage is more than our love for our spouses.  It has a higher dignity and power, since it is God’s holy ordinance, through which He wills to perpetuate the human race until the end of time.  In our love we, husbands and wives, not only become one flesh , but form a link in the chain of the generations, which God causes to come and pass away, to His glory.  In our love, we see not only our own happiness, but we are also placed in a position of responsibility towards the rest of society.   

Marriage is a military post that we are commanded to defend against all those forces, like homosexuality, that would seek to destroy our children and nation.  

Our love might be our own personal possession, but it is also a status, an office of duties and promises that joins us together in the sight of God and man, something which, in the case of same-sex unions, can never, ever happen.  It is not our love that sustains the marriage but God’s enabling power.  It is this which unites us and creates the building block for a secure, stable and cohesive society.

No government or power on Earth can change what God has joined together - a man and woman in holy matrimony.  To attempt to do so would be wilful vandalism and can only end in tears.

Apologise to me and my wife, and the 12 million hardworking married couples in this nation for your arrogant and insulting remarks.  But perhaps you are not sufficiently mature to understand this, and like Peter Pan and the rest of the Gay Liberation Front, you need to grow up."

Yours sincerely

David Skinner



"Dear Mr Johnson,

I consider that your remarks published in the Independent newspaper concerning marriage being as outdated as the Stone Age were offensive, bad mannered, disrespectful and childish.

I have been married for 57 years.  My wife and I have been blessed with, and have brought up, five very balanced, successful and stable sons and daughters whose manners are far more mature than yours.  I love my wife very much indeed and she loves me.  Our marriage is something very dear and precious to us both and we do not like anyone who derides it.  If those who believe in same-sex relationships want a name for their relationship, let them choose their own name and may they enjoy it as much as we, the heterosexual, enjoy ours.

Please will you apologise to me and my wife, ****, for your pathetically childish remarks?

After a lifetime of supporting the Conservative party neither of us will ever vote Conservative again as long as its leaders behave so irresponsibly.

Grow up, little boy."

Yours sincerely but sadly,

Harry *******

Please write to your MP, Boris Johnson, Mr Cameron, or send emails to the press (Telegraph, stletters@telegraph.co.uk and the Daily Mail: letters@dailymail.co.uk).

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