The supermarket giant has supported Cancer Research for more than a decade, helping the charity raise hundreds of millions of pounds towards combating an illness that is estimated to affect one-in-three of the population.
But now the retail chain has signed a deal to become a major sponsor of ‘Pride London’ (and, by extension, ‘World Pride 2012.’ London’s annual ‘gay pride’ parade, ‘Pride London,’ will be extended to two days next year when it hosts the global World Pride 2012 festival in the summer).
So, instead of providing funds to potentially produce a cure for a virulent disease that forcibly invades the bodies of 33% of the population, Tesco is narrowing its focus to cater to the perverse choice of a fraction of 1% of the population.
'Family Area' At The Sodomite Festival
Apparently Tesco's sponsorship - to the tune of £30,000 - will host the festival’s “family area” for the second year running. This family area is meant to provide entertainment and activities for younger children.
It is hugely ironic that by sponsoring the “family area” of ‘Pride London,’ Tesco is striking at the heart of the family ideal and helping to destroy the basic family unit on which our society is built.
God’s Model for Families
The foundational teaching on family life is found in Genesis chapters 1 and 2. When Jesus was questioned about marriage, He referred back to these two chapters (Matthew 19:1-12; Mark 10:1-12).
God, in Genesis, teaches us that, “male and female He created them” (Genesis 1:27). We were created to a plan - male and female complementing each other - and so enabled to enhance each others’ lives and produce and nurture offspring as commanded in Genesis 1:28, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth.” This command is repeated to Noah after the Flood (Genesis 8:15-17). Cain and Abel had neither ‘two mommies’ or ‘two daddies,’ but a father and mother. In this they fulfilled God’s own model for family life.
A Militant Son of Sodom’s View on the Family
A quick snapshot of the kind of vision for Britain that Tesco is sponsoring is obtained by consulting the printed comments of that archetypal homosexual activist himself, Peter Tatchell.
In ‘Teenage Sex - What Should Schools Teach Children?’ he writes:
“Until very recent times, all sex education was overwhelmingly biased towards promoting heterosexuality, marriage, parenthood and traditional family life. Anything outside this exclusive framework was either ignored or condemned.”
“This old-style monocultural sex moralism is now totally out of sync with our modern multicultural society where there is a great diversity of cultures and communities, lifestyles and love-lives.”
“Nothing must be off limits.”
“Sex education, to be effective, needs to start at a very early age, beginning gently in the first year of primary school and gradually becoming more detailed and explicit at secondary level.”
Tatchell proceeds to candidly mention some aspects of this “more detailed and explicit” teaching, but those details are much too vile to mention on this blog (cf. Ephesians 5:3).
It is evident that many homosexuals have little use for the biblical model of the family - and feel obliged to run roughshod over its core values.
Bullied in/out of Business: A Christian Family Victimised
Peter and Hazelmary Bull are an elderly Christian couple who run a bed and breakfast business in their own home in Cornwall. Like Tesco, they are in the business of providing goods and services. But, unlike Tesco, they refused to bow to the dictats and bullying of gay pressure groups.
At the beginning of 2011 they were informed that they had contravened the ‘Sexual Orientation Regulations’ (SORs) in that they had discriminated against two homosexual men, Steven Preddy and Martyn Hall, in refusing them use of a double bed in their guesthouse.
These men knew perfectly well how deeply offensive it would be to Mr and Mrs Bull to have anyone performing sodomy under their roof - whether married or unmarried, male or female. They could have followed the mantra, "Live and let live," respected the convictions of this Christian couple, and gone elsewhere. They had a choice of many double beds in Cornwall catering for their ‘tastes,’ but rather chose to drag this elderly couple into court.
In addition to having to pay damages of £3600 to them, other homosexuals then besieged the Bull’s guesthouse with demands for double rooms - a crude attempt to completely collapse their business.
Mrs Bull, 66, also received abusive and menacing phone calls, at the time when her 71-year-old husband lay critically ill in hospital.
A key question is: does Tesco want to be seen to sponsor the kind of people from which such behaviour emanates?
And when law-abiding citizens like foster parents, Mr and Mrs Johns, or the Manchester housing officer Adrian Smith, plus a burgeoning catalogue of victims of homosexual hate that includes teachers, therapists, councillors, counsellors, magistrates, paediatricians, registrars, nurses, firemen, policemen and clergy - people from every walk of life - are publically humiliated, fined, forced out of their occupation, compelled to close down their business, dragged through the courts, threatened with violence by homosexuals, and expected to pay for their own oppression through their taxes, simply for trying to defend the values and morality of traditional marriage and the family, with whom does Tesco sympathise?
It has been clear for many years that a disturbed minority, aided and abetted by our institutions (like Tesco), are attempting to impose homosexuality on our children - and silence the parents of those children when they articulate their Bible-based opposition to this aberrant and abominable activity.
The Aftermath
Shall many more of us, who express our disgust at the promotion of sodomy, be forcibly made to attend a diversity course at the national headquarters of the homosexual lobby group, ‘Stonewall’ in London, as was the case with Bristol councillor, Chris Windows, when he expressed his concern about ardent homosexual Ian McKellen proselytising homosexuality to Bristol schoolchildren?
Can we be comfortable with the appalling prospect of Tesco using some of our money to help promote something ‘World Pride 2012’? Such blatant promotion of what is so militantly anti-God can only result in driving more customers away from its stores.
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